(2) (b) 3. The department shall provide the financial assistance
15awarded under sub. (4m) from the appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (hr) and (rr).
SB55-SSA1-SA2, s. 3619k
16Section 3619k. 560.031 (3) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin act
1727, is renumbered 560.031 (3) (a).
(3) (bc) In awarding grants, loans, and manufacturing rebates under
20this subsection, the board shall give priority to projects that involve recovered
21materials that constitute a relatively high volume of solid waste generated in this
22state or that are hazardous to human health or the environment.
(3) (cm) Annually, the board shall allocate up to $200,000 in financial
2assistance under this subsection for forgivable loans for projects that have
3exceptional potential to meet one of the qualifying considerations under par. (a) 1.,
42., 3., or 4., but do not comply with the standard criteria established by the board or
5department for meeting its fiduciary responsibilities in managing state resources.
(4m) The board may award a grant or loan under this subsection for
8a project to develop markets for high-volume industrial waste or to assist generators
9of high-volume industrial waste in marketing high-volume industrial waste. Before
10awarding a grant or loan, the board shall consider whether the project does all of the
(a) Maximizes the marketability of high-volume industrial waste on a
13statewide basis.
(b) Minimizes the amount of high-volume industrial waste disposed of in
(c) Maintains present markets or creates new or expanded markets for
17high-volume industrial waste.".
(3p) "Closing agent" means any person who coordinates the closing of
21a conveyance of real estate by ensuring that title to the real estate is transferred to
22the buyer and that the purchase price is transferred to the seller, except that "closing
23agent" does not include any of the following:
1(a) A receiver, trustee, administrator, executor, guardian, or other person
2appointed by or acting under the judgment or order of any court.
(b) A public officer while performing his or her official duties.
(c) A depository institution.
(d) An employee of a person specified in pars. (a) to (c) when the employee is
6engaged in the specific performance as such an employee.
(e) An attorney licensed to practice in this state while acting within the scope
8of his or her attorney's license.
10452.035 Closing agents. No person, including an escrow agent, as defined in
11s. 138.052 (5m) (a) or 707.49 (1) (d), may engage in the business or occupation of, or
12advertise or hold himself or herself out as, a closing agent unless the person is
13registered as a closing agent by the department. The department shall issue a
14certificate of registration as a closing agent to a person who submits an application
15to the department on a form provided by the department, pays the fee specified in
16s. 440.05 (1), and submits evidence satisfactory to the department that he or she is
17competent to act as a closing agent. Renewal applications shall be submitted to the
18department on a form provided by the department on or before the applicable
19renewal date specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a) and shall include the applicable
20renewal fee specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a).
(1) (a) Grant and issue licenses to brokers and salespersons and
23registrations to time-share salespersons
and closing agents.
(1) A nonresident may become a broker, salesperson
or, time-share
, or closing agent by conforming to all the provisions of this chapter.
(6) (a) Any licensee, except a time-share salesperson registered under
5s. 452.025
or a closing agent registered under s. 452.035, may apply for registration
6as an inactive licensee on or before the license renewal date. This paragraph does
7not apply after October 31, 1995.
(1) (c) "Closing funds" means any money related to the closing of real
11estate conveyance that is received by a closing agent. "Closing funds" does not
12include client funds, unless the client funds are transferred to a closing agent.
(2) (a) A broker who holds client funds
or a closing agent who holds
15closing funds shall establish an interest-bearing common trust account in a
16depository institution. The interest-bearing common trust account shall earn
17interest at a rate not less than that applicable to individual accounts of the same
18type, size
, and duration and for which withdrawals or transfers can be made without
19delay, subject to any notice period that the depository institution is required to
20observe by law or regulation.
(2) (b) (intro.) Any broker
or closing agent who maintains an
23interest-bearing common trust account shall do all of the following:
(2) (c) A broker
or closing agent shall deposit all client funds
or closing
2funds in the interest-bearing common trust account.
(2) (e) (intro.) For each interest-bearing common trust account, the
or closing agent shall direct the depository institution to do all of the
(2) (e) 2. When the interest remittance is sent, furnish to the
9department of administration and to the broker
or closing agent maintaining the
10interest-bearing common trust account a statement that includes the name of the
or closing agent for whose account the remittance is made, the rate of interest
12applied, the amount of service charges or fees deducted, if any, and the account
13balance for the period that the statement covers.
(2) (f) 1. May not assess a service charge or fee that is due on an
16interest-bearing common trust account against any broker
or closing agent or,
17except as provided in subd. 3., against any other account, regardless of whether the
18same broker
or closing agent maintains the other account.
(3) Deposit provisions. A broker
or closing agent who deposits client
or closing funds in an interest-bearing common trust account in compliance
22with this section may not be held liable to the owner or beneficial owner of the client
or closing funds for damages due to compliance with this section. A broker,
24salesperson, or time-share salesperson who deposits client funds
, or a closing agent
25who deposits closing funds, in an interest-bearing common trust account in
1compliance with this section is not required to disclose alternative depository
2arrangements that could be made by the parties or to disclose that a deposit will be
3made under this section.
(4) Trust account optional. This section does not require a broker
6closing agent to hold client funds
or closing funds or require a person to transfer
7client funds to a broker
or transfer closing funds to a closing agent.
(1) The department shall, upon motion of the board or upon its own
10determination, conduct investigations and, as appropriate, may hold hearings and
11make findings, if the department receives credible information that a broker,
or, time-share salesperson
, or closing agent has violated this chapter or
13any rule promulgated under this chapter.
(3) (intro.) Disciplinary proceedings shall be conducted by the board
16according to rules adopted under s. 440.03 (1). The board may revoke, suspend
, or
17limit any broker's, salesperson's
or, time-share salesperson's
, or closing agent's 18license or registration, or reprimand the holder of the license or registration, if it
19finds that the holder of the license or registration has:
(3) (b) Made any substantial misrepresentation with reference to a
22transaction injurious to a seller or purchaser in which the broker, salesperson
or, 23time-share salesperson
, or closing agent acts as agent;
(3) (h) Failed, within a reasonable time, to account for or remit any
2moneys coming into the broker's, salesperson's
or, time-share salesperson's
, or
3closing agent's possession which belong to another person;
(3) (i) Demonstrated incompetency to act as a broker, salesperson
or, 6time-share salesperson
, or closing agent in a manner which safeguards the interests
7of the public;
(3) (jm) Intentionally encouraged or discouraged any person from
10purchasing or renting real estate in a particular area on the basis of race. If the board
11finds that any broker, salesperson
or, time-share salesperson
, or closing agent has
12violated this paragraph, the board shall, in addition to any temporary penalty
13imposed under this subsection, apply the penalty provided in s. 452.17 (4);
(2) Any person who engages in or follows the business or occupation of,
16or advertises or holds himself or herself out as or acts temporarily or otherwise as,
17a time-share salesperson
or closing agent in this state without being registered with
18the department shall be prosecuted by the district attorney in the county where the
19violation occurs and may be fined not less than $25 nor more than $200 or imprisoned
20not less than 10 days nor more than 6 months or both.
(4) (a) (intro.) If the board finds that any broker, salesperson
or, 23time-share salesperson
, or closing agent has violated s. 452.14 (3) (jm), the board:
(4) (a) 1. Shall, for the first offense, suspend the license or registration
2of the broker, salesperson
or, time-share salesperson
, or closing agent for not less
3than 90 days.
(4) (a) 2. Shall, for the 2nd offense, revoke the license or registration of
6the broker, salesperson
or, time-share salesperson
, closing agent.
8452.20 Limitation on actions for commissions. No person engaged in the
9business or acting in the capacity of a broker, salesperson
or, time-share salesperson
10or closing agent within this state may bring or maintain an action in the courts of this
11state for the collection of a commission or compensation for the performance of any
12act mentioned in this chapter without alleging and proving that he or she was a duly
13licensed broker
, or salesperson or registered time-share salesperson
or closing agent 14at the time the alleged cause of action arose.
16452.21 Compensation presumed. In any prosecution for violation of this
17chapter, proof that a person acted as a broker, agent, salesperson
or, time-share
, or closing agent is prima facie proof that compensation therefor was
19received or promised.
(2) The certificate of the secretary or his or her designee to the effect that
22a specified individual or business entity is not or was not on a specified date the
23holder of a broker's, salesperson's
or, time-share salesperson's
, or closing agent's 24license or registration, or that a specified license or registration was not in effect on
25a date specified, or as to the issuance, limitation, suspension
, or revocation of any
1license or registration or the reprimand of any holder thereof, the filing or
2withdrawal of any application or its existence or nonexistence, is prima facie
3evidence of the facts therein stated for all purposes in any action or proceedings.".
(10) "Oral risk assessment" means a review of the patient's caries
7experience, dental care utilization, use of preventive services, and medical history.
8"Oral risk assessment" does not include a dental diagnosis.
(12) "Remediable procedures" means patient procedures that create
11changes within the oral cavity or surrounding structures that are reversible
12professional intervention and do not involve any increased health risks to the
(1) (c) Subject to ch. 553 and s.
447.06 (1) 447.055, governing dental
(2) (d) The oral systemic premedications and subgingival sustained
19release chemotherapeutic agents that may be administered by a dental hygienist
20licensed under this chapter under s. 447.06
(2) (e) 1. and 3 (6) (a) and (c).
(2) (e) The educational requirements for administration of local
23anesthesia by a dental hygienist licensed under this chapter under s. 447.06
(2) (e)
242 (6) (b).
(3) By January 1, 2003, and every 5 years thereafter, the examining
3board shall submit jointly with the department of health and family services a report
4to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) and to the governor on the ability of the dental
5work force to meet the oral health care needs of individuals in this state. The report
6shall include findings and any recommendations of the examining board and the
SB55-SSA1-SA2, s. 3592nh
8Section 3592nh. 447.03 (2) (intro.), (a) and (b) of the statutes are renumbered
9447.03 (2) (a) (intro.), 1. and 2.
(2) (b) Any individual who is licensed as a dental hygienist under this
12chapter is not required to be licensed as a dentist to perform acts delegated by a
13dentist under s. 447.06.